April 30, 2024

Human microbiome

Safety and efficacy of faecal microbiota transplantation in patients with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease (GUT-PARFECT): a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised, phase 2 trial – Anout Bruggeman – eClinicalMedicine

Implications of intestinal microecology and immune function alterations for immunotherapy outcomes in advanced unresectable lung adenocarcinoma – Shuang He – Clinical Respiratory Journal

Recipient microbiome-related features predicting metabolic improvement following fecal microbiota transplantation in adults with severe obesity and metabolic syndrome: a secondary analysis of a phase 2 clinical trial – Zhengxiao Zhang – Gut Microbes

Gut microbiome composition and metabolic activity in women with diverticulitis – Wenjie Ma – Nature Communications

Microbiome confounders and quantitative profiling challenge predicted microbial targets in colorectal cancer development – Raúl Y. Tito – Nature Medicine

Prediction and causal inference of hyperuricemia using gut microbiota – Yuna Miyajima – Scientific Reports

Early-life gut microbiota associates with allergic rhinitis during 13-year follow-up in a Finnish probiotic intervention cohort – Sampo Kallio – Microbiology Spectrum

Food microbiome

The detailed analysis of the microbiome and resistome of artisanal blue-veined cheeses provides evidence on sources and patterns of succession linked with quality and safety traits – Elena A. Alexa – BMC Microbiome

Animal experiments

Sodium Propionate Oral Supplementation ameliorates Depressive-Like Behavior through Gut Microbiome and Histone 3 Epigenetic Regulation – Luiza Marques Prates Behrens – Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry

Colon impairments and inflammation driven by an altered gut microbiota leads to social behavior deficits rescued by hyaluronic acid and celecoxib – Oryan Agronyoni – BMC Medicine

Dissecting the respective roles of microbiota and host genetics in the susceptibility of Card9−/− mice to colitis – C. Danne – BMC Microbiome

Animal microbiome

Synergistic resistance of honeybee (Apis mellifera) and their gut microorganisms to fluvalinate stress – Jianhui Liu – Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology

Determinants of microbiome composition: Insights from free-ranging hybrid zebras (Equus quagga × grevyi) – Joel O. Abraham – Molecular Ecology

Water & extremophile microbiomes

Phytoplankton-derived polysaccharides and microbial peptidoglycans are key nutrients for deep-sea microbes in the Mariana Trench – Yan-Ru Dang – BMC Microbiome

Rhizospheric bacteria from the Atacama Desert hyper-arid core: cultured community dynamics and plant growth promotion – Juan Castro-Severyn – Microbiology Spectrum

Tools & techniques

Variability and bias in microbiome metagenomic sequencing: an interlaboratory study comparing experimental protocols – Samuel P. Forry – Scientific Reports

Nanopore and Illumina sequencing reveal different viral populations from human gut samples – Ryan Cook – Microbial Genomics

General microbiology and science, August 25, 2014

Microbial networks, proteomics of Fusobacterium, ants carrying pathogens into hospitals, and what’s in your lab freezer?


Sparse and compositionally robust inference of microbial ecological networks – Zachary D. Kurtz – arXiv at Cornel University Library

“Here, we present SPIEC-EASI (SParse InversE Covariance Estimation for Ecological Association Inference), a statistical method for the inference of microbial ecological interactions from metagenomic datasets that addresses both of these issues. “

Metabolomics / proteomics

Modelling the Emergent Dynamics and Major Metabolites of the Human Colonic Microbiota – Helen Kettle – Environmental Microbiology

“We present here a first attempt at modelling microbial dynamics in the human colon incorporating both uncertainty and adaptation. “

Proteomics of Fusobacterium nucleatum within a model developing oral microbial community  – Erik L. Hendrickson – MicrobiologyOpen

“About 1210 F. nucleatum proteins were detected in single species F. nucleatum control samples, 1192 in communities with P. gingivalis, 1224 with S. gordonii, and 1135 with all three species.”


* (Preprint) Sources of PCR-induced distortions in high-throughput sequencing datasets – Justus M Kebschull, Anthony M Zador – bioRXiv

We examined the effects of bias, stochasticity, template switches and polymerase errors introduced during PCR on sequence representation in next-generation sequencing libraries. “

More microbes

* Ants as vectors of pathogenic microorganisms in a hospital in Sao Paulo county, Brazil – Heros J Máximo – BMC Research Notes

“Ants in hospitals may carry both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and methods of controlling urban ants should be adopted and strictly adhered to, to minimize the risk of infection in hospital patients.”

Microbes in the news

What’s in your laboratory freezer? – Timothy J. Donahue – American Society of Microbiology

“I ask all microbiologists to make sure that you and your colleagues know what they have in the lab (freezer, refrigerator, store room, etc).”

* Hot Spring Bacteria Can Live Off Invisible Light Alone – Brian Stallard – Nature World News

“Researcher(sic) studying cyanobacteria in hot springs have discovered that the potentially harmful algae can live in near-darkness, absorbing far-red light and converting it into energy while releasing oxygen. “

Insect-borne bacteria destroy ancient Italian olive groves – Tom Kington – GulfNews

“The ancient olive groves of southern Italy, which provide much of the oil the country exports, are being destroyed by deadly, insect-borne bacterium that has already infected nearly half a million trees and has no known cure.”

Uncultured Bacteria (with video) – Serious Science

“Northeastern University Prof. Kim Lewis on great plate count anomaly, siderophores, and human microbiome”


* How to Keep Bacteria Out of Your Child’s Lunchbox – FoodSafetyNews

“If possible, a child’s lunch should be stored in a refrigerator during school, but the lid should be left open so that cold air can better circulate and keep the food cold.”

* Chick-fil-A incorporates bacteria-killing copper into restrooms – The News Herald

“Seidel said that Chick-fil-A Owner and Operator Dallas Stoudenmire has realized his responsibility to keep customers bacteria free and is taking the right steps to do so.”

Science and publishing

Concerns Raised Online Linger – Kate Yandell – The Scientist

“The great majority of comments point out some kind of problem,” PubPeer moderators wrote in an e-mail to The Scientist.

Bik’s Picks

Eye implant developed at Stanford could lead to better glaucoma treatments – Bjorn Carey – Stanford News

“A tiny eye implant developed by Stephen Quake’s lab could pair with a smartphone to improve the way doctors measure and lower a patient’s eye pressure.”

Scientists grow an organ in an animal from cells created in lab – Science Daily

“The researchers have created a thymus — an organ next to the heart that produces immune cells known as T cells that are vital for guarding against disease.”

Mozzarella and cheddar are the perfect pizza toppers, according to science – Jenn Harris – LA Times

“Understanding the value of a pie spotted with perfectly crisp cheese, a group of scientists in New Zealand set out to find which cheeses create the perfect topping.”


General microbiology and science, August 14

A metabolic map of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, bacteria injections to cure cancer, a researcher smuggling live bacteria in a lunchbox,  and a scientist in trouble for posting a PhD thesis.


Functional Metabolic Map of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, a Beneficial Human Gut Microbe – Almut Heinken – Journal of Bacteriology

“In this study, we present an integrated, iterative approach of computational modeling, in vitro experiments, metabolomics, and genomic analysis to accelerate the identification of metabolic capabilities for poorly characterized (anaerobic) microorganisms.”


Pervasive transcription: illuminating the dark matter of bacterial transcriptomes – Joseph T. Wade & David C. Grainger – Nature Reviews Microbiology

“In this Opinion article, we discuss our current understanding of pervasive transcription, its genetic origin and its regulation. “

More microbiology

Intratumoral injection of Clostridium novyi-NT spores induces antitumor responses
Nicholas J. Roberts – Science Translational Medicine

“On the basis of these encouraging results, we treated a human patient who had an advanced leiomyosarcoma with an intratumoral injection of C. novyi-NT spores. This treatment reduced the tumor within and surrounding the bone. “

Canadian ex-researcher pleads guilty in attempted bacteria-smuggling case – Lee-Anne Goodman

“With his wife in the passenger seat, they discovered in his suitcase 17 vials of live Brucella — contained in a block of ice and swathed in bubble wrap in a children’s lunch bag — and a substantial quantity of goat’s blood.”


Preprint: Swabs to Genomes: A Comprehensive Workflow – David A Coil – PeerJ

“The objective of the present study was to design, test, troubleshoot, and publish a simple, comprehensive workflow from the collection of an environmental sample (a swab) to a published microbial genome”

Accuracy of Next Generation Sequencing Platforms – Edward J Fox – Next Generation: Sequencing & Applications

“The ability of these technologies to disentangle sequence heterogeneity, however, is limited by their relatively high error rates”

Uniting the classification of cultured and uncultured bacteria and archaea using 16S rRNA gene sequences — Pablo Yarza – Nature Reviews Microbiology

“Our analyses show that only nearly complete 16S rRNA sequences give accurate measures of taxonomic diversity. In addition, our analyses suggest that most of the 16S rRNA sequences of the high taxa will be discovered in environmental surveys by the end of the current decade.”

Science, Publishing, Career

Financial costs and personal consequences of research misconduct resulting in retracted publications – Andrew M Stern, Arturo Casadevall, R Grant Steen, Ferric C Fang – eLife

“We found that papers retracted due to misconduct accounted for approximately $58 million in direct funding by the NIH between 1992 and 2012, less than 1% of the NIH budget over this period. ”

Student may be jailed for posting scientist’s thesis on web – David Reay – Nature News Blog

“Colombian biology student is facing up to 8 years in jail and a fine for sharing a thesis by another scientist on a social network. Diego Gómez Hoyos posted the 2006 work, about amphibian taxonomy, on Scribd in 2011.

Study: Uncivil work environment pushing women out of the engineering field – Brigid Schulte – Washington Post

“a new National Science Foundation report released on Saturday about why so few women go into engineering, or stay in the field, highlights a key reason: a workplace culture of incivility toward women.”

Science of inclusion – Holly McDede – SFBG.com

“As Big Tech struggles with diversity, women find support and fellowship in the biotech industry.”

Bik’s Picks

Pour on the Salt? New Research Suggests More Is OK – Judy Silverman and Lisa Tolin – NBC News

“New research suggests that healthy people can eat about twice the amount of salt that’s currently recommended — or about as much as most people consume anyway. “

At Harvard, tiny robots ‘swarm’ into shape – Carolyn Y. Johnson – Boston Globe

When Harvard scientist Michael Rubenstein walks into the laboratory in the morning, he is greeted with a scene somewhere between a disco and the opening of a science fiction movie about a robot apocalypse. A constellation of LED lights blinks in the darkness — the electronic heartbeat of his 1,024-robot horde. They are ready to do his bidding.”

Newborns’ genetic code sends infection distress signal – Science Daily

“Babies suffering from life-threatening bacterial infections such as sepsis could benefit from improved treatment, thanks to a ground-breaking study. “


Human microbiome, August 14, 2014

Culturing TM7, antibiotics early in life and obesity, preterm labor, breast milk, two articles by Carl Zimmer and one by Jop de Vrieze.

Pregnancy and Birth

Science has a special this week on Parenting, with a couple of relevant papers:

Preterm labor: One syndrome, many causes – Roberto Romero, Sudhansu K. Dey, Susan J. Fisher – Science

“We summarize the current understanding of the mechanisms of disease implicated in this condition and review advances relevant to intra-amniotic infection, decidual senescence, and breakdown of maternal-fetal tolerance.”

Nature’s first functional food – Trisha Gura – Science

“Building upon a century-old study that first indicated that milk nourished certain bacteria in infants, the new work has characterized the complexity of breast milk carbohydrates called oligosaccharides, or HMOs, that particularly nourish one species of beneficial bacteria.”

The taste of things to come – Emily Underwood – Science

“Indeed, studies in human infants and animals suggest that we may start to learn and love different flavors as early as in the womb.”

Human oral microbiome

Axenic Culture of a Candidate Division TM7 Bacterium from the Human Oral Cavity and Biofilm Interactions with Other Oral Bacteria – Valeria Soro – Applied and Environmental Microbiology

“Successive rounds of enrichment in laboratory media led to the isolation of a pure culture of one of these candidate division TM7 phylotypes.”

Human gut microbiome

Review: Host-microbial interactions in the metabolism of therapeutic and diet-derived xenobiotics – Rachel N. Carmody and Peter J. Turnbaugh – Journal of Clinical Investigation

“Here, we integrate results from classic and current studies of the direct and indirect impacts of the gut microbiome on the metabolism of therapeutic drugs and diet-derived bioactive compounds. “

Taking the Yuck Out of Microbiome Medicine – Carl Zimmer – National Geographic

“I can still remember the shock I felt when I heard about fecal microbiota transplants for the first time. It is not the sort of thing you forget.”

Our Microbiome May Be Looking Out for Itself – Carl Zimmer – New York Times

“But in the journal Bioessays, a team of scientists has raised a creepier possibility. Perhaps our menagerie of germs is also influencing our behavior in order to advance its own evolutionary success — giving us cravings for certain foods, for example.”

Animal models of microbiome research

Altering the Intestinal Microbiota during a Critical Developmental Window Has Lasting Metabolic Consequences – Laura M. Cox – Cell

Press coverage: Taking antibiotics early in life leaves mice prone to obesity – Jop de Vrieze

“A new study of mice shows that interrupting the development of gut microbial populations with low doses of antibiotics early in life disturbs their metabolism and boosts the risk of obesity later on.”

The Gut Microbiota and Developmental Programming of the Testis in Mice – Maha Al-Asmakh – PLOS ONE

“Interestingly, exposure of GF mice to Clostridium Tyrobutyricum (CBUT), which secrete high levels of butyrate, restored the integrity of the BTB and normalized the levels of cell adhesion proteins. “


General microbiology and science, August 12, 2014

Prokaryotic Essential Genes, 10 years of next-generation sequencing, a short podcast on the Hadza microbiome, and Ebola.



Protein Localization Analysis of Essential Genes in Prokaryotes – Chong Peng & Feng Gao – Nature Scientific Reports

“Here, a comprehensive protein localization analysis of essential genes in 27 prokaryotes including 24 bacteria, 2 mycoplasmas and 1 archaeon has been performed. “


Review: Ten years of next-generation sequencing technology – Erwin L. van Dijk – Trends in Genetics

“Here we provide an overview of the evolution of NGS and discuss the most significant improvements in sequencing technologies and library preparation protocols.”

More Microbiology

CISAC experts tackle public health & policy questions on Ebola – Beth Duff-Brown – Stanford University

“We ask CISAC biosecurity experts to answer several questions about Ebola and the public health concerns and policy implications. “

Rapid and reagentless detection of microbial contamination within meat utilizing a smartphone-based biosensor – Pei-Shih Liang – Nature Scientific Reports

“An 880 nm near infrared LED was irradiated perpendicular to the surface of ground beef, and the scatter signals at various angles were evaluated utilizing the gyro sensor and the digital camera of a smartphone.”

Academic Minute Podcast: Microbiota of the Hadza Tribe – Alyssa Crittenden, UNLV

“My colleagues and I have, for the first time, characterized the hunter-gatherer gut microbiome– working with a population of foragers in East Africa, the Hadza of Tanzania.”

Women in Science

Why are the media so obsessed with female scientists’ appearance? –  Alice Bell – The Guardian

“Yet another profile of Susan Greenfield feels the need to dwell on her ‘long, youthfully blond hair’. Why are the media so rubbish at covering women in science?”

Bik’s Picks

Under- and over-water halves of Gyrinidae beetle eyes harbor different corneal nanocoatings providing adaptation to the water and air environments – Artem Blagodatski – Nature Scientific Reports

“In this study we analyze the micro- and nanostructure of the split eyes of two Gyrinidae beetles genera, Gyrinus and Orectochilus. “

Antarctic midge’s genome is smallest in insects to date: Bare-bones genome is adaptation to deep freeze – Science Daily

“Scientists who sequenced the genome of the Antarctic midge suspect the genome’s small size — the smallest in insects described to date — can probably be explained by the midge’s adaptation to its extreme living environment.”


Microbiome digest, August 4, 2014

Relief in a pressing problem, microbes at high altitude, and microbiome in cystic fibrosis.

Human gut microbiome

So glad this one finally came out!  Structural changes in the gut microbiome of constipated patients – Lixin Zhu – Physiological Genomics

“A cross-sectional pilot study was performed to compare stool microbial composition of 8 constipated patients and 14 non-constipated controls using 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing.”

Microbiota and diabetes: an evolving relationship – Herbert Tilg, Alexander R Moschen – Gut

“A further hint towards an association between microbiota and T2D has been derived from studies in pregnancy showing that major gut microbial shifts occurring during pregnancy affect host metabolism.”

Harnessing the Intestinal Microbiome for Optimal Therapeutic Immunomodulation – S. Viaud – Cancer Research

“gut commensals, through lipopolysaccharide and other bacterial components, switch the tumor microenvironment, in particular the redox equilibrium and the TNF production of intratumoral myeloid cells during therapies with platinum salts or intratumoral TLR9 agonists combined with systemic anti-IL10R Ab respectively.”

Specific genetic and microbial signature associated with paediatric ileal Crohn’s disease -Isobel Leake – Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology

“An increase in DUOX2 expression was associated with an expansion of Proteobacteria across all forms of IBD, whereas downregulation of APOA1 expression in association with depletion of certain Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes taxa was found to be specific for Crohn’s disease.”

Skin and wounds microbiome

Next-Generation Sequencing: A Review of Technologies and Tools for Wound Microbiome Research – Brendan Hodkinson and Elizabeth Grice – Advances in Wound Care

“The purpose of this review is to outline the current platforms, their applications, and the steps necessary to undertake microbiome studies using next-generation sequencing.”

Human respiratory microbiome

Directly Sampling the Lung of a Young Child with Cystic Fibrosis Reveals Diverse Microbiota – Perry S Brown – Annals ATS

“After pathologic examination verified that this child’s lung tissue reflected CF lung disease, we used bacterial rRNA gene pyrosequencing and computational phylogenetic analysis to identify the microbiota in serial sections of the tissue.”

Respiratory Viruses and Bacteria among Pilgrims during the 2013 Hajj – Samir Benkouiten – Emerging Infectious Diseases

“One third (36.3%) of the participants had acquired S. pneumoniae during their stay. Our results confirm high acquisition rates of rhinovirus and S. pneumoniae in pilgrims and highlight the acquisition of coronavirus E229.”

Fish microbiome

The Colonization Dynamics of the Gut Microbiota in Tilapia Larvae – Christos Giatsis – PLOS ONE

“Our results showed that variation in gut microbiota between replicate tanks was not significantly higher than within tank variation, suggesting that there is no tank effect on water and gut microbiota. “

Soil microbiome

FEMS Microbiology Ecology has a special issue on Polar and Alpine Microbiology with many papers on microbiomes of ice and soil. Here is the Editorial:
Polar and alpine microbiology in a changing world – John C. Priscu – FEMS Microbiology Ecology

“By virtue of their relatively rapid growth rates and metabolic diversity, we can expect microorganisms to be the first responders to fluctuating climatic conditions.”

Altitudinal Distribution Patterns of Soil Bacterial and Archaeal Communities Along Mt. Shegyla on the Tibetan Plateau – Jun-Tao Wang – Microbial Ecology

“Our results found that the ratio of bacterial to archaeal 16S rRNA gene abundance was negatively related with elevation.”

Water microbiome

Satellite remote sensing data can be used to model marine microbial metabolite turnover – Peter E Larsen – ISME Journal

“We extrapolated marine surface microbial community structure and metabolic potential from 72 16S rRNA amplicon and 8 metagenomic observations using remotely sensed environmental parameters”

Microbial Ecology

Changes in community assembly may shift the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function – Joseph E. Knelman and Diana R. Nemergut – Frontiers Microbiology

“Can differences in community assembly alter the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function?”


Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG suspected infection in a newborn with intrauterine growth restriction – I. Sadowska-Krawczenko – Beneficial Microbes

“Genotyping with the rep-PCR and AFLP methods confirmed the 100% genetic similarity for both the strain isolated from patient blood and the probiotic product.”

Can Eating Probiotic Yogurt Help Lower Your High Blood Pressure? – Susmita Baral – Wall St Cheat Sheet

“Now, a new study (published Monday in the journal Hypertension) has found another added benefit of probiotics — it may reduce high blood pressure.”

Microbes in the News

Your garden hose: a potential health risk due to Legionella spp. growth facilitated by free-living amoebae – Jacqueline Marie Thomas – Environmental Science & Technology

“Here we present data on FLA and Legionella spp. detected in water and biofilm of two garden hose types over 18 months. “

Truth about your toothbrush – Anne Agbaje – Bussiness Day Online

“You don’t store your plates and glasses by the toilet, so why would you want to place your toothbrush there?” McCombs says. “It’s just common sense to store your toothbrush as far away from the toilet as possible.”


Fecal volatile organic compounds: a novel, cheaper method of diagnosing inflammatory bowel disease? – Chris SJ Probert – Expert Review of Clinical Immunology

“…this article will focus specifically on the fecal VOC metabolome and its potential role in identifying a novel diagnostic method for IBD.”

Review: Emerging mass spectrometry techniques for the direct analysis of microbial colonies – Jinshu Fang, Pieter C Dorrestein – Current Opinion in Microbiology

“In this review/perspective, we illustrate the emerging mass spectrometry methodologies that enable the interrogation of specialized metabolites directly from microbial colonies.”


Improved performance of the PacBio SMRT technology for 16S rDNA sequencing – Jennifer J. Mosher – Journal of Microbiological Methods

“With accurate read lengths of > 1400 base pairs, the PacBio system opens up the possibility of identifying microorganisms to the species level in environmental samples.”


Bik’s Picks

The Secret to a Tattoo’s Permanence: The Immune System – Olga Khazan – The Atlantic

“We rarely stop and think about the science of tattoos. In fact, some people don’t even stop and think before getting tattooed.”


Mathematical equation to predict happiness: Doesn’t depend on how well things go, but on whether things are better than expected – Science Daily

The happiness of over 18,000 people worldwide has been predicted by a mathematical equation, with results showing that moment-to-moment happiness reflects not just how well things are going, but whether things are going better than expected.”



General microbiome digest, July 1

Diet and gut microbiome (again), Campylobacter in chicken is not a commensal, microbiomes of fish, insects, corals, plant, and hospitals, and women in science.

Human gut microbiome

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.07PM, Jul 01Correlation network analysis reveals relationships between diet-induced changes in human gut microbiota and metabolic health – T Kelder – Nutrition & Diabetes

“We assessed fecal microbiota composition and host response patterns of metabolic and inflammatory markers in 10 apparently healthy men subjected to a high-fat high-caloric diet (HFHC, 1300 kcal/day extra) for 4 weeks. “

Pregnancy and birth

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.08PM, Jul 01 1Gestational Age and Age at Sampling Influence Metabolic Profiles in Premature Infants
Reese H. Clark – Pediatrics

“Metabolic profiles (15 amino acids and 35 acylcarnitines) were obtained by using standard newborn techniques on infants born between 23 and 31 completed weeks of gestation.”

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.08PM, Jul 01Non-invasive analysis of intestinal development in preterm and term infants using RNA-Sequencing – Jason M. Knight – Nature Scientific Reports

“we have developed a novel, noninvasive, molecular approach that utilizes next generation RNA sequencing on stool samples containing intact epithelial cells for the purpose of quantifying intestinal gene expression.”

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.09PM, Jul 01Cesarean Section and Rate of Subsequent Stillbirth, Miscarriage, and Ectopic Pregnancy: A Danish Register-Based Cohort Study – Sinéad M. O’Neill – PLOS Medicine

“This study found that cesarean section is associated with a small increased rate of subsequent stillbirth and ectopic pregnancy.”

Bird microbiome

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.10PM, Jul 01Campylobacter jejuni Is Not Merely a Commensal in Commercial Broiler Chickens and Affects Bird Welfare – Suzanne Humphrey – mBio

“Through experimental infection of four commercial breeds of broiler chickens, we show that breed has a significant effect on C. jejuni infection and the immune response of the animals, although these factors have limited impact on the number of bacteria in chicken ceca. “

Fish microbiome

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.10PM, Jul 01 1Quorum quenching bacteria Bacillus sp. QSI-1 protect zebrafish (Danio rerio) from Aeromonas hydrophila infection – Weihua Chu – Nature Scientific Reports

“In this study, the effect of Bacillus sp. QSI-1 as an efficient quorum quencher on virulence factors production and biofilm formation of fish pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila was investigated. ”

Insect microbiome

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.11PM, Jul 01Evolutionary origin of insect–Wolbachia nutritional mutualism – Naruo Nikoh – PNAS

“In the bedbug’s Wolbachia genome, we identified a gene cluster encoding the complete synthetic pathway for biotin (vitamin B7), which is not present in other Wolbachia genomes and is presumably acquired via lateral transfer from a coinfecting endosymbiont. “

Corals and sponges microbiome

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.12PM, Jul 01Local genomic adaptation of coral reef-associated microbiomes to gradients of natural variability and anthropogenic stressors – Linda W. Kelly – PNAS

“The present study investigated the community structure and metabolic potential of microbes inhabiting coral reefs located across an extensive area in the central Pacific. “

Plant microbiome

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.13PM, Jul 01The role of sulfur and phosphorus mobilizing bacteria in biochar induced growth promotion of Lolium perenne – A Fox – FEMS Microbiology Ecology

“16S rRNA gene based rhizobacteria community analysis revealed a significant biochar treatment effect. Abundance of nematodes feeding on bacteria was also significantly increased in the biochar treatments.”

Functional diversification within bacterial lineages promotes wide functional overlapping between taxonomic groups in a Mediterranean soil forest – J Curiel Yuste – FEMS Microbiology Ecology

“We investigated the relationship between taxonomy and functioning of soil bacterial communities in soils from a Mediterranean Holm-oak forest using a high throughput DNA pyrosequencing technique. “

Soil, sewage and sludge microbiome

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.15PM, Jul 01Response of soil-associated microbial communities to intrusion of coal mine-derived acid mine drainage – Justin S Brantner and John M Senko – Environmental Science & Technology

” Evaluation of pyrosequencing-derived 16S rRNA gene sequences recovered from incubations revealed the development of microbial community characteristics that were similar to those of the mature iron mound sediment. “

Transformation Products and Human Metabolites of Triclocarban and Triclosan in Sewage Sludge Across the United States – Benny F. G. Pycke – Environmental Science & Technology

“Here, we report on the levels of eight transformation products, human metabolites, and manufacturing byproducts of TCC and TCS in raw and treated sewage sludge.”

Built Environment Microbiome

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.14PM, Jul 01Rethinking Sterile: The Hospital Microbiome – Carrie Arnold – Environ Health Perspect

“Gilbert, an environmental microbiologist at Argonne National Laboratory, and his platoon of graduate students, postdocs, and research assistants descended on the hospital several times each day, even before it opened to the public. Armed with cotton swabs, they focused their efforts on the floors devoted to surgery and oncology. “


Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.15PM, Jul 01 1A cloud-compatible bioinformatics pipeline for ultrarapid pathogen identification from next-generation sequencing of clinical samples – Samia N. Naccache – Genome Research

“Here we describe SURPI (“sequence-based ultrarapid pathogen identification”), a computational pipeline for pathogen identification from complex metagenomic NGS data generated from clinical samples, and demonstrate use of the pipeline in the analysis of 237 clinical samples comprising more than 1.1 billion sequences. “


Metagenomic scaffolds enable combinatorial lignin transformation
Cameron R. Strachan – PNAS

“In this study, we devised a previously unidentified biosensor responsive to lignin transformation products. We used this biosensor in a functional screen to recover metagenomic scaffolds sourced from coal bed bacterial communities. “

Arsenic metabolism

Sealing rice field boundaries in Bangladesh: a pilot study demonstrates reductions in water use, arsenic loading to field soils, and methane emissions from irrigation water – Rebecca B Neumann – Environmental Science & Technology

“Irrigation of rice fields in Bangladesh with arsenic-contaminated and methane-rich groundwater loads arsenic into field soils and releases methane into the atmosphere. We tested the water-savings potential of sealing field bunds (raised boundaries around field edges) as a way to mitigate these negative outcomes.”

Localised Flux-Maxima of Arsenic, Lead and Iron around Root Apices in Flooded Lowland Rice – Paul Nicholas Williams – Environmental Science & Technology

“Here we use new diffusive gradients in thin-film (DGT)/planar optode sandwich sensors deployed in situ on rice roots to demonstrate a new geochemical niche of greatly enhanced As, Pb and Fe(II) mobilization into solution immediately adjacent to the root tips characterized by O2 enrichment and low pH. “


Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.16PM, Jul 01Baicalin, a metabolite of baicalein with antiviral activity against dengue virus – Ehsan Moghaddam – Nature Scientific Reports

“Here, we examined the anti-DENV properties of baicalin in vitro, and described the inhibitory potentials of baicalin at different steps of DENV-2 (NGC strain) replication.”

Antibiotic resistance

Review: The expression of antibiotic resistance genes in antibiotic-producing bacteria – Stefanie Mak – Molecular Microbiology

“Antibiotic-producing bacteria encode antibiotic resistance genes that protect them from the biologically active molecules that they produce. The expression of these genes needs to occur in a timely manner: either in advance of or concomitantly with biosynthesis. It appears that there have been at least two general solutions to this problem. “

General microbiology

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.20PM, Jul 01Bacterial sugar utilization gives rise to distinct single-cell behaviors – Taliman Afroz – Molecular Microbiology

“Here, we performed single-cell analyses to probe the behavior of representative pathways in the model bacterium Escherichia coli. “

Identification of essential Alphaproteobacterial genes reveals operational variability in conserved developmental and cell cycle systems – Patrick D. Curtis and Yves V. Brun – Molecular Microbiology

“These results show that while essential cell functions are conserved across varying genetic distance, much of a given organism’s essential gene pool is specific to that organism.”

Science and career

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.22PM, Jul 01Elite male faculty in the life sciences employ fewer women – Jason M. Sheltzer and Joan C. Smith – PNAS

“To explore the current causes of women’s underrepresentation in biology, we collected publicly accessible data from university directories and faculty websites about the composition of biology laboratories at leading academic institutions in the United States. “

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.01PM, Jul 01Americans Think We Have the World’s Best Colleges. We Don’t. – Kevin Carey – New York Times

We see K-12 schools and colleges differently because we’re looking at two different yardsticks: the academic performance of the whole population of students in one case, the research performance of a small number of institutions in the other.”

Dr. Bik’s picks

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.23PM, Jul 01Herbivore diet breadth mediates the cascading effects of carnivores in food webs – Michael S. Singer – PNAS

“Accounting for phylogenetic nonindependence of herbivores and plants, we show for the first time (to our knowledge) that dietary specialization of herbivore species is associated with reduced bird predation across an herbivore phylogeny, and that dietary specialization of herbivores increases the antipredator effects of camouflage and aposematism.”

Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 06.23PM, Jul 01 1Evolution of the ribosome at atomic resolution – Anton S. Petrov – PNAS

“Comparing eukaryotic and prokaryotic ribosomes allows us to identify 3D insertion fingerprints of the expansion segments. Similar fingerprints allow us to analyze the common core and detect ancestral expansion segments within it. “

Plastic mapPlastic debris in the open ocean – Andrés Cózar – PNAS

“In this work, we synthetize data collected across the world to provide a global map and a first-order approximation of the magnitude of the plastic pollution in surface waters of the open ocean.”
