May 8, 2024

Happy Wednesday folks, we’re halfway through the week! Today’s blog features a number of interesting articles – it was difficult to pick just a few to highlight. Read on to learn about a new study that unveils the environment-specificity of secondary successional dynamics following microbiota disruption, a review summarizing the literature on how pesticide exposure affects the microbiota-gut-brain-axis, an investigation of how host phylogeny, diet, and anthropogenic factors shape the Cetacea gut microbiome – and more!

Human Microbiome

Diet-omics in the Study of Urban and Rural Crohn disease Evolution (SOURCE) cohort – Tzipi Braun – Nature Communications

Improvements in Gut Microbiome Composition and Clinical Symptoms Following Familial Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in a Nineteen-Year-Old Adolescent With Severe Autism – Sabine Hazan – Journal of Medical Cases

[PREPRINT] Interplay between particle size and microbial ecology in the gut microbiome – Jeffrey Letourneau – bioRxiv

Shotgun metagenomic analysis of saliva microbiome suggests Mogibacterium as a factor associated with chronic bacterial osteomyelitis – Hiroko Yahara – PLOS One

[REVIEW] Pesticide exposure and the microbiota-gut-brain axis – Rie Matsuzaki – ISME Journal

Animal Experiments

Short-term exposure to antibiotics begets long-term disturbance in gut microbial metabolism and molecular ecological networks – Yuehui Hong – BMC Microbiome

Microbial Ecology

Synthesis of recovery patterns in microbial communities across environments – Stephanie D. Jurburg – BMC Microbiome

Cooperative interactions between invader and resident microbial community members weaken the negative diversity-invasion relationship – Johanna Vendermaesen – Ecology Letters

High speciation rate of niche specialists in hot springs – Qing He – ISME Journal

Plant, root, and soil microbiome

Effects of reduced snowpack due to climate warming on abiotic and biotic soil properties in alpine and boreal forest systems – Anastasiia Kosolapova – PLOS Climate

Microbiota recovery in a chronosquences of impoverished Cerrado soils with biosolids applications – Laibin Huang – Science of the Total Environment

Melatonin promotes the recovery of apple plants after waterlogging by shaping the structure and function of the rhizosphere microbiome – Yang Cao – Plant, Cell & Environment

Antimony efflux underpins phosphorus cycling and resistance of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in mining soils – Shengwei Liu – ISME Journal

Animal Microbiome

Antibiotic exposure alters the honeybee gut microbiota and may interfere with the honeybee behavioral caste transition – Zijing Zhang – Insect Science

Meta-analysis of the Cetacea gut microbiome: Diversity, co-evolution, and interaction with the anthropogenic pathobiome – Elena Radaelli – Science of the Total Environment

Comparative analysis of gut microbiome of mangrove brachyuran crabs revealed patterns of phylosymbiosis and codiversification – Chandlar Tsz To Tsang – Molecular Ecology

Techniques & Methodology

A perfusion host-microbe bioreactor (HMB) system that captures dynamic interactions of secreted metabolites between epithelial cells cocultured with a human gut anaerobe – Jingyun Yang – Biotechnology and Bioengineering

Stable, fluorescent markers for tracking synthetic communities and assembly dynamics – Beatriz Jorrin – BMC Microbiome

Sterile sentinels and MinION sequencing capture active soil microbial communities that differentiate crop rotations – Sonya R. Erlandson – BMC Environmental Microbiome

Microbiome digest, August 21, 2014

Ground squirrels, scallops, hypersaline water, and dead bodies.

Postmortem human microbiome

* Microbial communities associated with human decomposition and their potential use as postmortem clocks – Sheree J. Finley – International Journal of Legal Medicine

“the scope of this review is to provide a concise summary of the current progress in the newly emerging field of microbial diversity and the next-generation metagenomic sequencing approaches for assessing these communities in humans and in the soil beneath decomposing human.”

* Effects of Season and Host Physiological State on the Diversity, Density, and Activity of the Arctic Ground Squirrel Cecal Microbiota – Timothy J Stevenson – Applied and Environmental Microbiology

“We examined the seasonal changes of the cecal microbiota of captive arctic ground squirrels (Urocitellus parryii) by measuring microbial diversity and composition, total bacterial density and viability, and short-chain fatty acid concentrations at four sample periods (summer, torpor, interbout arousal, and posthibernation).”

Invertebrate microbiome

* IMMR abstract: Analysis of the scallop microbiota by means of 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing – Aide Lasa – Frontiers in Microbiology

“In this study, we present the analysis of the microbiota associated to reared scallop gonads before and after spawning by pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. “

Soil microbiome

Bacterial diversity assessment in soil of an active Brazilian copper mine using high-throughput sequencing of 16S rDNA amplicons – Viviane D. Rodrigues – Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

“In this work, pyrosequencing of the V3 region of the 16S rDNA was used to analyze the bacterial communities in soil samples from a Brazilian copper mine. “

* Impact of long-term N, P, K, and NPK fertilization on the composition and potential functions of the bacterial community in grassland soil – Yao Pan – FEMS Microbiology Ecology

“Here, we applied DNA shotgun metagenomic techniques to investigate the effect of inorganic fertilizers N, P, K, and NPK on the bacterial community composition and potential functions in grassland soils in a 54-year experiment. “

Water microbiome

The Santa Pola saltern as a model for studying the microbiota of hypersaline environments – Antonio Ventosa – Extremophiles

“Multi-pond salterns constitute an excellent model for the study of the microbial diversity and ecology of hypersaline environments, showing a wide range of salt concentrations, from seawater to salt saturation. “

Food microbiology

Book: Microorganisms and Fermentation of Traditional Foods – Ramesh C. Ray, Montet Didier – CRC Press


Reconstruction of the original mycoflora in pelleted feed by PCR-SSCP and qPCR – Samart Dorn-In – FEMS Microbiology Letters

“A fungal-specific primer pair ITS1/ITS5.8R was used to amplify fungal DNA; PCR products were processed for the PCR-SSCP method. In the resulting acrylamide gel, more than 85% of DNA bands of ground feeds were preserved after pelleting. “


From Dandruff to Deep-Sea Vents: Malassezia-like Fungi Are Ecologically Hyper-diverse – Anthony Amend – PLOS Pathogens

“As the dominant component of the mycobiota on human skin —both healthy and diseased [2] —the genus Malassezia has received a fair amount of attention. “

Microbes in the news

The Birth of Pathogens: How Bacteria Become Deadly – Brian Stallard – Nature World News

“Two new studies have revealed two very different ways bothersome bacteria strains can suddenly become deadly, evolving into difficult-to-rid pathogens that can threaten entire populations.” – belongs to a PNAS paper on Salmonella enterica, and a Nature Communications paper on Group B Streptococcus.

Bacteria colonies removed from Savannah River Site using special vacuum – Meg Mirshak – The Augusta Chronicle

“Scientists studied samples and determined the white, stringy “cobwebs” were made up of a broad variety of bacteria and a few types of microbes.”

ASU experts follow gut reaction in autism treatment study – Arizona State University

“A new study approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and led by Arizona State University will examine a novel treatment – called fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) – for GI problems in children with autism.”

Science and career

Ailing academia needs culture change – Viviane Callier, Nathan L. Vanderford – Science

“The research enterprise has become unsustainable in its current form. Research funding levels/mechanisms, the peer-review process, and the methods of training Ph.D.’s are flawed, and these issues are crippling the pipeline of future, successful academic researchers”

Science Media Beset with Gender Gaps – By Curtis Brainard – Scientific American

“One antidote, summit participants suggested, would be having more reporters abide by the seven-part Finkbeiner Test”

Bik’s Picks

* Why does asparagus make our urine smell? – Claudia Hammond – BBC Future

“After eating asparagus, some people can detect a strange smell, while others claim not to notice a thing. What’s going on?”

Chemically mediated behavior of recruiting corals and fishes: A tipping point that may limit reef recovery – Danielle L. Dixson – Science

“We show that juveniles of both corals and fishes are repelled by chemical cues from fished, seaweed-dominated reefs but attracted to cues from coral-dominated areas where fishing is prohibited. “

Scientists discover how lizards regrow tails – John von Radowitz – The Independent

“Researchers have identified a genetic programme that triggers new tissue growth after a lizard sacrifices its tail to escape a predator.”



Microbiome digest, August 15, 2014

Today we got donkey, goat, and camel milk, deodorants, kitten microbiomes, and coffee as a new mouth rinse.

Pregnancy and birth

Gut microbiota in preterm infants with gross blood in stools: A prospective, controlled study – Mohamed Ben Said – Early Human Development

“Each case was paired with two controls who were hospitalized in the same unit and were matched for gestational age and birth weight. The diversity of the gut microbiota was analyzed using 16S rRNA gene PCR and temporal temperature gel electrophoresis. “

Human oral microbiome

Antibacterial effect of coffee: calcium concentration in a culture containing teeth/biofilm exposed to Coffea Canephora aqueous extract – N. Meckelburg – Letters in Applied Microbiology

“This study revealed an inhibitory action of Coffea canephora against dental biofilm. This coffee species caused bacterial lysis and consequent release of calcium into the medium.”

Human gut microbiome

Review: Exploring gut microbes in Human health and disease: pushing the envelope
Jun Sun, Eugene B. Chang – Genes & Diseases

“In this review and commentary, we highlight recent progress in our understanding of the intestinal microbiome in the context of health and diseases, focusing on mechanistic concepts that underlie the complex relationships between host and microbes.”

Review: Emergence of fecal microbiota transplantation as an approach to repair disrupted microbial gut ecology – Alexander Khoruts, Alexa R. Weingarden – Immunology Letters

“Mechanistic understanding will be required in development of next generation microbiota therapeutics, which may include FMT or defined microbial consortia.”

Gut Bacteria May Play a Role in Autism – Melinda Wenner Moyer – Scientific American

“One open question is whether these microbial differences drive the development of the condition or are instead a consequence of it. “

Skin microbiome

Deodorants and antiperspirants affect the axillary bacterial community – Chris Callewaert — Archives of Dermatological Research

“The effect of deodorants and antiperspirants on the axillary bacterial community was examined on nine healthy subjects, who were restrained from using deodorant/antiperspirant for 1 month. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis was used to investigate the individual microbial dynamics.”

Goat and Ass Milk microbiome

Analysis of raw goat milk microbiota: Impact of stage of lactation and lysozyme on microbial diversity – Elizabeth A. McInnis – Food Microbiology

“Milk from transgenic goats containing lysozyme had a similar microbiota over time.”

Fasscinating stuff: Cleopatra took daily baths in assmilk to keep her skin wrinklefree. Maybe lactic acid bacteria were her secret?  Biotyping of cultivable lactic acid bacteria isolated from donkey milk – D. Carminati – Letters in Applied Microbiology

“The large amounts of antimicrobial components and defence factors present in donkey’s milk provide protection from microbial infections and distinguish donkey’s milk from the milks of other mammals”

The Kitten Microbiome Project

“Keeping track of the cutest, fluffiest microbiome project around”

Insect microbiome

Microbial impacts on insect evolutionary diversification: From patterns to mechanisms
Fabrice Vavre, Natacha Kremer – Current Opinion in Insect Science

“Symbiosis can favor rapid shifts in host phenotypic traits, particularly through the contribution of symbionts to the host’s physiology.”

How resident microbes modulate ecologically-important traits of insects
Kerry M. Oliver, Adam J. Martinez – Current Opinion in Insect Science

“In addition to their better-known roles in nutrient provisioning and degrading plant polymers, there is emerging evidence that microorganisms also aid herbivores in countering plant defenses. “


Building blocks for automated elucidation of metabolites: natural product-likeness for candidate ranking – Kalai Vanii Jayaseelan and Christoph Steinbeck – BMC Bioinformatics

“In this study, we investigated whether additional existing knowledge, such as the fact that the unknown compound is a natural product, can be used to improve the ranking of the correct structure in the result list after the structure elucidation process.”

Phages and viruses

Bacteriophage as effective decolonising agent for elimination of MRSA from anterior nares of BALB/c mice – Sanjay Chhibber – BMC Microbiology

“Phage MR-10, given along with mupirocin showed an additive effect and the combination was able to effectively eradicate the colonising MRSA population from the nares of mice by day 5.”

Crystal structure of a CRISPR RNA-guided surveillance complex bound to a ssDNA target – Sabin Mulepati, Annie Héroux, Scott Bailey – Science

“The structure reveals that the CRISPR RNA and target strands do not form a double helix but instead adopt an underwound ribbon-like structure. “

Bik’s Picks – weekend edition

15 Real-Life Scientists Share Their Favorite Science Fiction Books, Movies – Jacqueline Howard – Huffington Post

“There’s a big difference between science and science fiction, but there’s abundant evidence to suggest that sci-fi books and movies can spark a lifelong interest in science.”

After donkey and goat milk, this one was only appropriate: A Nice Tall Glass of Camel’s Milk – Olga Khazan – The Atlantic

“An oasis in the dromedary-dairy desert?”

Male Mathematicians Agree That Fields Medal Gender Balance Is Now OK – The Allium

“Now that a woman has won the fields medal, there is true and genuine equality and there is no need to worry any more about it.”
