September 3, 2017

Events and jobs

PhD position – Jana Seifert, UNIVERSITÄT HOHENHEIM

PhD position – Amélia Camarinha Silva, UNIVERSITÄT HOHENHEIM

Microbiology Instructor – City College, Florida

Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (Clinical Microbiology) – University of Arizona

General microbiome

Targeting the Microbiome for Mental Health: Hype or Hope? – Jane A. Foster, Biological Psychiatry

Multi-site human microbiome

Biogeography & Environmental Conditions Shape Phage & Bacteria Interaction Networks Across The Human Microbiome – Geoffrey D. Hannigan, bioRxiv

Human gut microbiome

Gut Protozoa: Friends or Foes of the Human Gut Microbiota? – Magali Chabé, Trends in Parasitology

Intestinal Lactobacillus in health and disease, a driver or just along for the ride? – Dustin D. Heeney, Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Human oral microbbiome

Periodontal disease and periodontal bacteria as triggers for rheumatoid arthritis – Zijian Cheng, Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology

Animal experiments

Dietary broccoli impacts microbial community structure and attenuates chemically induced colitis in mice in an Ah receptor dependent manner – Troy D. Hubbard, Journal of Functional Foods

Gut health benefits of brown seaweed Ecklonia radiata and its polysaccharides demonstrated in vivo in a rat model – Suvimol Charoensiddhi, Journal of Functional Foods

Yacon flour (Smallanthus sonchifolius) attenuates intestinal morbidity in rats with colon cancer – Mariana Grancieri, Journal of Functional Foods

Plant, root, and soil microbiome

Acclimatization of micropropagated plants of Etlingera elatior(Jack) R. M. Sm. inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi – A.R. da Silva, South African Journal of Botany

Effective rhizoinoculation and biofilm formation by arsenic immobilizing halophilic plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) isolated from mangrove rhizosphere: A step towards arsenic rhizoremediation – Ivy Mallick, Science of The Total Environment

Food microbiology

Acetic acid bacteria in fermented foods and beverages – Jonas De Roos, Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Microbial ecology of cereal vinegar fermentation: insights for driving the ecosystem function – Zhen-Ming Lu, Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Probiotics / prebiotics

Bugging allergy; role of pre-, pro- and synbiotics in allergy prevention – Christina E. West, Allergology International

The effect of probiotics and zinc supplementation on the immune response to oral rotavirus vaccine: A randomized, factorial design, placebo-controlled study among Indian infants – Robin P. Lazarus, Vaccine

Microbes in the News

Study finds high levels of multidrug-resistant bacteria on Indian poultry farms – Stephanie Soucheray, CIDRAP News

Topical antibiotics and antiseptics disrupt the skin microbiome – Cheryl Guttman Krader, Dermatology Times

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