May 8, 2024

Happy Wednesday folks, we’re halfway through the week! Today’s blog features a number of interesting articles – it was difficult to pick just a few to highlight. Read on to learn about a new study that unveils the environment-specificity of secondary successional dynamics following microbiota disruption, a review summarizing the literature on how pesticide exposure affects the microbiota-gut-brain-axis, an investigation of how host phylogeny, diet, and anthropogenic factors shape the Cetacea gut microbiome – and more!

Human Microbiome

Diet-omics in the Study of Urban and Rural Crohn disease Evolution (SOURCE) cohort – Tzipi Braun – Nature Communications

Improvements in Gut Microbiome Composition and Clinical Symptoms Following Familial Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in a Nineteen-Year-Old Adolescent With Severe Autism – Sabine Hazan – Journal of Medical Cases

[PREPRINT] Interplay between particle size and microbial ecology in the gut microbiome – Jeffrey Letourneau – bioRxiv

Shotgun metagenomic analysis of saliva microbiome suggests Mogibacterium as a factor associated with chronic bacterial osteomyelitis – Hiroko Yahara – PLOS One

[REVIEW] Pesticide exposure and the microbiota-gut-brain axis – Rie Matsuzaki – ISME Journal

Animal Experiments

Short-term exposure to antibiotics begets long-term disturbance in gut microbial metabolism and molecular ecological networks – Yuehui Hong – BMC Microbiome

Microbial Ecology

Synthesis of recovery patterns in microbial communities across environments – Stephanie D. Jurburg – BMC Microbiome

Cooperative interactions between invader and resident microbial community members weaken the negative diversity-invasion relationship – Johanna Vendermaesen – Ecology Letters

High speciation rate of niche specialists in hot springs – Qing He – ISME Journal

Plant, root, and soil microbiome

Effects of reduced snowpack due to climate warming on abiotic and biotic soil properties in alpine and boreal forest systems – Anastasiia Kosolapova – PLOS Climate

Microbiota recovery in a chronosquences of impoverished Cerrado soils with biosolids applications – Laibin Huang – Science of the Total Environment

Melatonin promotes the recovery of apple plants after waterlogging by shaping the structure and function of the rhizosphere microbiome – Yang Cao – Plant, Cell & Environment

Antimony efflux underpins phosphorus cycling and resistance of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in mining soils – Shengwei Liu – ISME Journal

Animal Microbiome

Antibiotic exposure alters the honeybee gut microbiota and may interfere with the honeybee behavioral caste transition – Zijing Zhang – Insect Science

Meta-analysis of the Cetacea gut microbiome: Diversity, co-evolution, and interaction with the anthropogenic pathobiome – Elena Radaelli – Science of the Total Environment

Comparative analysis of gut microbiome of mangrove brachyuran crabs revealed patterns of phylosymbiosis and codiversification – Chandlar Tsz To Tsang – Molecular Ecology

Techniques & Methodology

A perfusion host-microbe bioreactor (HMB) system that captures dynamic interactions of secreted metabolites between epithelial cells cocultured with a human gut anaerobe – Jingyun Yang – Biotechnology and Bioengineering

Stable, fluorescent markers for tracking synthetic communities and assembly dynamics – Beatriz Jorrin – BMC Microbiome

Sterile sentinels and MinION sequencing capture active soil microbial communities that differentiate crop rotations – Sonya R. Erlandson – BMC Environmental Microbiome